National Agricultural Development Company (FARMIX) is one of most interested company that works on manufacturing of enzymaitc hydrolysis liquid organic fish fertilizers. Our products designed as overall feeding fertilizers containing NPK, TE, Organic matter as well as full profile
high quality L free amino acid ( 20 FAA).( Alninen,Ph. Alanine Asbartic,Arginine,Cystine,Spargine,Glycine,Tripotophin,Glutamic Histidine,Methionine,Glutamine,Isoleucine,Tyrosine,Lycine,Leucine Serine,Proline,Theronine,Valine)
According to best raw material whole part fish & selective enzymes .
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and they are primary components in the machinery of cells.
Plants have specific enzymes that recognize and utilize the L-form of amino acids. By supplying plants with amino acids, these products support protein synthesis, hormone regulation, root development, nutrient absorption, and stress tolerance.
* promote photosynthesis of plants.
* building blocks of protein.
* Improve soil fertility.
* Preserve plants against vairus diseases.
* Immunize plant against hard conditions.
* Improves fruits flavours and test (BRIX).