size: 1L, 5L, 10L
A liquid Metalorganic product boosted with synthetic NPK, with acidic
properties to suit the application on poor alkaline soils, works as a
plant feeding and soil amendment at the same time. Promoting the
plant›s immunity and high productivity yield,as well as macronutrients
it contains free amino acids (plant temperature regulator) and organic
matter And the necessary Trace elements, suitable for all crops, trees,
vegetables, fruits, and legumes, and it is used by irrigation or foliar

size: 1L, 5L
A Liquid Organic Product free Chemical additves, Rich of Free Amino
acid that work as Plant temperature regulator in hot or cold seasons ,
as well as Organic Matter &Trace Elements.
Gives bettr Growth ,Promoting the plant›s immunity and high
productivity yield.
Highly Recommended in organic farm production.
Suitable for all crops Trees, vegetables, fruits and legumes.
Uses in Drip Irrigation or foliar Sprayer.

size: 20L
A liquid Metalorganic product boosted with synthetic NPK, with acidic
properties to suit the application on poor alkaline soils,Designed
especially as nourishing fertilizer for all types of grasses such as stubble,
rhodosius, Aldokhna, and alfalfa. as well as macronutrients it contains
free amino acids, Organic Matter and necessary trace elements for
grasses Growth. and it is used by irrigation or foliar spraying.

size: 1L
A Liquid organic product produced by enzymatic hydrolysis of aquatic
fern plants that are rich with proteins and other nutrients. Specially
designed as a nourishing solution for all kinds of indoor and outdoor
flowers and garden. as well as macronutrients it contains free amino
acids, Organic Matter and necessary trace elements for Flowers buds
Growth. and it is used by irrigation or foliar spraying.

Ferrus, Zinc, Copper, Boron. Manganise
A Liquid Metalorganic products, contains one or two functional
micronutrients that nourish plants and crops. They are chelated by
organic complexes to facilitate their absorption by plants. It is used in
irrigation systems or by foliar spray.